Waldhausen feeding brake: OFF INTO THE GRAZING SEASON!
Every horse is happy when it goes out to the fresh, lush pasture again in spring. However, especially when grazing, the amount of grass consumed must be regulated. First and foremost, slow and well thought-out grazing helps. In addition, the Waldhausen feed brakes and Waldhausen muzzles can also be used. They can easily be buckled to the horse's head, similar to a halter, and have a basket at the front of the mouth that does not fully prevent eating, but dispenses it. Also practical for the pasture is a pasture halter, which is fastened without metal and buckles and can thus be left on without any problems during the time in the pasture.
Play balls from Likit, which horses love to play with, provide variety in the pasture. We also offer play balls from Waldhausen made of durable plastic and horse toys to keep your horse occupied.
Discover our Waldhausen feeding brake online!
As a specialist dealer, you can easily shop online for our Waldhausen range of muzzles and feeding brakes, as well as the Likit range.
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