Proper horse care

Our tips on horse care

 How to wash your horse properly: Tips for a gentle care
How to wash your horse properly: Tips for a gentle care
From using the right water temperature and shampoo to the best grooming tips. Find out more here about how to develop a gentle grooming routine for your horse without damaging the skin's pH value.

Comprehensive Care For A Happy & Healthy Horse

Proper care is great support for your horse – all you need is time and the right know-how. From facial care to various body parts, whether during shedding, in heat, cold, or while dealing with insect problems, to hoof care, in this section we provide you with valuable information for your individual horse care program. The right routine plays a crucial role in your horse's health and overall well-being.

What Counts As Horse Care?

Horse care includes support during the seasonal coat change, the proper approach to washing and to clipping, as well as regular hoof care. If you can also motivate yourself to care for the leather of your saddle and equipment, you’re truly a pro! In this chapter, you’ll learn how to easily manage all these care topics!

Coat & Hoof Care

Did you know that in some countries and horse stables, specially trained grooms are responsible for horse care and ensure the well-being of their charges around the clock? Grooming is not (only) about making the horse shine. The far more important aspect is that you can detect wounds, insect bites, ticks, and physical changes in the most inconspicuous areas of the body. Additionally, the grooming session is a wonderful, relationship-building opportunity to relax the muscles, massage the body, and get the circulation going.

Choosing The Right Horse Brush

Do you feel overwhelmed when you hear about all the different types of brushes with their various functions? Don’t worry; in this area you can find out which brush does what. Microfiber towels, dirt brushes, special ones for specific body parts, long-hair brushes, grooming tools for mane and tail, currycombs and honestly many more are your best helpers for thoroughly grooming every part of your horse’s body including mane and tail.
