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Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung e.V. (FN)
Permis de conduire pour chevaux Comportement avec le cheval
14,90 €
Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung e.V. (FN)
Directives Volume 4 : Connaissances de base sur la détention, l"alimentation, la santé et l"élevage
20,00 €
Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung e.V. (FN)
Directives Volume 1 : Formation de base pour le cavalier et le cheval
18,00 €
Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung e.V. (FN)
Cahier d’exercices d’équitation (exercices nationaux)
20,00 €
Riding literature and horse books
Waldhausen carries various books in its assortment, in particular the task booklet which covers the requirements and criteria in German competition sport, the performance test regulations and the competition regulations for popular sport. The LPO regulates the conduct of performance tests for the promotion of riding, driving and vaulting, German horse breeding and horse keeping. It is binding for all natural and legal persons affiliated to the FN who prepare, conduct, supervise and participate in performance tests or horse performance tests.